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Why does the questionnaire feel so repetitive?

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We know that the questionnaire can feel repetitive at times, and in a few different ways. 

The reason why we ask many of the same questions from one questionnaire to the next is that it is incredibly important to trend how your disease is doing over time. Big or small, good or bad, all changes are important to record and understand in chronic disease. This is especially true concerning rheumatic diseases. By asking the same questions we are able to see how your condition may by improving or worsening over a period of time. This is critical information for the rheumatology community.

Some of the questions can feel very similar on the same questionnaire. We are constantly evaluating our questionnaire to see how we can shorten it without losing the quality and depth of data you provide. In essence, we are trying to maximize the amount of data that can be provided in the shortest amount of time. We are incredibly grateful for the time you’ve committed to FORWARD’s research and want to honor that commitment at all costs. We have to balance this aim with making sure that we are using question sets that are well-understood and validated by the rheumatology community. By using these set questions and scales we are able to make sure that your results are well-understood by the rheumatology community. This ensures that your answers have a real-world impact.

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