How Can We Help?

I need help filling out my questionnaire. What can I do?

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If you are having trouble filling out your questionnaire, we have several options available to you.

Firstly, we offer the questionnaire in three different formats: web, paper, and over the phone.

Secondly, you can ask a close friend or family member to input your information on your behalf. However, we want to make sure that all the information they are inputting is your information, not theirs. If they have a rheumatic disease and would like to participate in FORWARD, you can refer them to FORWARD using the Tell-A-Friend tool or referring them to Join Forward

Making sure that your data is accurate and belongs to you is very important to us and to the rheumatology community. We would be happy to accommodate you and your loved ones as best we can. Just please make sure that all the data that is being input on your questionnaire belongs to you!

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