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I am having trouble creating a new password

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To protect you and your data, we have new security requirements.

We value you and your data, which means our password requirements might feel a little strict. To create a new password, it must either be short and complex or very long. That means it must be EITHER:

  • At least 15 characters long
  • OR
  • At least 8 characters long with at least 1 digit, 1 uppercase, and 1 lowercase

Examples for both:

  1. bubble gum bubble gum
  2. Forward1

To change your password, please follow the steps below

To start, go to our login page. Link:

  1. Click “Forgot your password?”
  2. On the Password Reset page, enter your email address.
  3. Click “Reset”.
  4. You will be taken to a page telling you to check your email for a password reset link. Please give this a 10 minutes to show up in the inbox of the email you used in step #2. If an email has not arrived within that time, please email us at [email protected]
  5. When you receive your email, click either the blue link or the orange button. This will open up a new window that will allow you to change your password.
  6. For security purposes, please re-enter your email address
  7. Enter a new password that satisfies our password requirements outlined above.
  8. Retype the password to make sure there are no typos
  9. Click “Reset”
  10. Go back to our login page and use the new password that you created.

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