How Can We Help?

As a healthcare provider, how do I get started?

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As a healthcare provider, there are several ways to partner with FORWARD. A great means for getting started is placing enrollment brochures in patient waiting areas and encouraging your patients to consider participating in FORWARD’s Databank for Rheumatic Diseases. 

We also encourage providers to consider site-enrollment for their practices. In short, your patients would provide consent and contact information directly to your clinical staff. This information would then be mailed or faxed to FORWARD. After that, FORWARD will communicate directly with the patient.

Providers can also set up their own unique forms to capture visit data (i.e. HAQ, arthritis medications, tender points, etc.). FORWARD will supply all forms, data collection, analysis, and reports for sites.

FORWARD also partners with academic medical centers to offer custom solutions (e.g. unique questionnaires, data capture and reporting, and analysis). If your practice is affiliated with a hospital network or academic medical center, we have all the necessary documentation ready to assist you in the IRB-approval process.

If you are interested in getting started with FORWARD or finding out more about us, please consider visiting for more information. Likewise, feel free to browse our online brochure or these published articles outlining our processes:  Rheumatology 2011, Clin Exp Rheumatol 2016.

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