Before making a decision about whether or not to be active outside, be sure to check the latest guidance from your local health department and community or state leaders. In most places across the United States, residents can go for a walk or run as long as they practice social distancing and good hygiene.
Going for a walk, run, or bike ride in your neighborhood can be a good way to get active, as long as you can safely maintain distance between yourself and other active neighbors. If you decide to go to a nearby park or community space, first check for closures or restrictions. Then consider the number of other people who might be there and if you’d be able to ensure enough space — at least 6 feet —between yourself and other people.
If you can’t practice safe social distancing outdoors, stay home and find ways to get active indoors. If you have to go outside near other people — like to walk your dog — wear a cloth face covering.
If you have a yard, gardening and yard work are also great ways to stay active and count toward meeting the Physical Activity Guidelines.